Valeria's Questionnaire Response

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Where were you during the derecho (i.e., home, work, car, place of business)?  
Working in the office at Country Club Lawn Care  

Was your home residence (house, apartment, garage, shed, fence) damaged? Extent of damage? Were you required to live somewhere else following the derecho due to home damage?  
Yes my home sustained damage (sw cr) and our business in Marion had minor fencing/roofing/siding damage. We did not have to live or work out of a secondary location.  

Was your workplace/school damaged? Extent of damage?  
Slight siding roofing and fence damage.  

How many days were you without electricity?  

How many days were you without internet services?  

Did you need to make a property insurance claim? If so, what was your experience with your insurance company?  
Yes our company utilized insurance to cover the damages. It was a positive experience with our company.  

Did you have access to enough food for your household following the derecho? Did you have the need to use local food pantries to supplement your household’s food supply?  
Yes we had enough food at home, however our company took the burden of feeding our employees lunch since drive-thru restaurants and gas stations were not operational. Monetarily we were fine of course, but the secretary feeding 25 employees daily hot lunch as they cleaned up our customers properties was quite the undertaking!  

Did the derecho affect your employment in any way? Please describe.  
See above-work became crazy after derecho with many clients needing extensive cleanup.  

How was your mental/emotional health affected by the derecho?  
Since I like to stay busy when stressed, the extra workload helped keep me on track and stay productive. Cooking for my coworkers and problem-solving through the crisis made me feel helpful and kept my sanity.  

What resources were helpful (in any way) after the derecho?  
There was a derecho resource facebook page where people posted, looking for help or offering services. It was a great community tool and it was great to see the citizens banding together. 


“Valeria's Questionnaire Response,” Marion Derecho Digital Archive, accessed April 30, 2024,

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